Bankruptcy Means Test
Bankruptcy Means Test: the bankruptcy means test numbers have changed.
Household of 1: $70,789
Household of 2: $90,424
Household of 3: $106,282
Household of 4: $128,272
Even though you may be over the means test (based upon your income and household size), you can still file for bankruptcy relief in Maryland. Salaries in Odenton, Maryland, and Millersville, Maryland vary. Salaries in Easton, Maryland can vary greatly. The salaries listed above are merely a starting point in the bankruptcy analysis. Other household expenses factor into the “long version” of the means test. The means test is merely a starting point for deciding the type of bankruptcy you are filing in Maryland (Chapter 13, Chapter 7, or Chapter 11). This information was posted November 16, 2020. (The means test salaries in this post will be outdated in in 12 months.)