Welcome to my website. You’ve come to the right place if you need financial help. I work with the law offices of Christman & Fascetta. Christman & Fascetta is a small law firm which concentrates its expertise in the field of consumer bankruptcy.
I’m certain that you have many pressing questions. That is why I would prefer to speak with you (for free) in person or by telephone. I say this because you need answers – not a web site full of generic explanations regarding bankruptcy. So please call me today.
Stop Foreclosure. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan will allow you to catch up on overdue mortgage payments. Even if you have been denied a mortgage modification, you can catch up on mortgage payments and keep your home. In addition, you can negotiate a mortgage modification while you are in bankruptcy. You have options. Please call me.
Stop Garnishments and Liens. The bankruptcy code allows a debtor to stop garnishments. In addition, Judgments and Liens may be discharged in a bankruptcy case.
You will be speaking with me or another attorney in my office. You won’t be speaking with a salesperson or some other type of intake specialist who can’t provide you with the answers you need.
Feel free to read through my web site but remember this – your situation is unique. You are unique. The proper bankruptcy solution for you will (most likely) be different from any other solution which you may have read about or heard about from a friend, relative, or co-worker.
We will need to discuss your financial goals and expectations. For example, are you keeping your home? Are you keeping a lease? Are you keeping an automobile? — Or, maybe you intend to walk away from everything and be done with it!
Think of our pre-bankruptcy interview as a series of financial “tests” – each test determines how you will proceed. These “tests” determine the type of bankruptcy which can be filed and the duration of your bankruptcy case.
A successful bankruptcy requires planning. Obviously, you want to get out of debt. More importantly, you want a fresh start. The bankruptcy code allows you keep your possessions – but there are limits. In addition, the bankruptcy code allows you to stay in your home depending on certain facts. Therefore, I will need to have all relevant facts regarding your income, assets, and expenses.
This web site contains a download section for your convenience. When you speak with me, I will be walking you through these documents in order to understand your complete financial picture (the good, the bad, and the ugly). – You don’t need to complete these documents prior to calling me. Eventually, I will need to collect the data found in the download section. Much of the information requested in the download section may not apply to you. (Simply skip over the parts which don’t apply.) If you don’t know how to answer a question or if a question seems overwhelming – simply put a question mark next to the item and move on.
As a bankruptcy attorney, I have assisted thousands of people with their financial problems. Bankruptcy relief and reorganization is about planning and timing. With proper planning and the right timing you can save thousands. Yes! I said it. A bankruptcy attorney can help you save money and your possessions. In addition, a bankruptcy attorney can help you avoid problems in future. Filing for bankruptcy relief without an attorney can cost you thousands of dollars after the bankruptcy case is over.
Obtaining a fresh start is much more than getting rid of your debt. It’s about preserving assets and building your future. I have successfully saved houses, vehicles, and small businesses. Bankruptcy relief can also be used to protect retirement assets and family heir looms.
If you are reading through web pages on bankruptcy, you are attempting to find answers to your financial problems. My best advice for you is this: call me to discuss your options. The telephone call is free.
Most people find themselves in need of bankruptcy relief due to job loss, illness, or divorce. Others find themselves in debt due to pay cuts or a loss of overtime at work.
Let me help you weigh your options. After all, you need a fresh start. A fresh start requires as much money in your bank account as possible. Learn the hidden costs of debt consolidation. Understand the benefits and risks of the loan modification process. Protect and preserve your retirement assets.
Maybe you have heard rumors about your credit score – that you will never get another loan because you filed for bankruptcy relief. Maybe you’ve heard commercials urging you not to file for bankruptcy relief. Call me for free and get the facts.
Before you enter into a mortgage modification program or any type of debt consolidation program – get the facts from a licensed attorney. Is a short-sale your best option? Call and find out.
When properly filed, bankruptcy immediately stops all collection procedures. In addition, any garnished funds must be returned (if over $600 within the last 90 days). Filing for bankruptcy relief can also stop a foreclosure sale (if filed prior to the sale). And, bankruptcy relief can help you get caught up on your mortgage by making payments pursuant to a Chapter 13 repayment plan.
Over the years, various commercials and credit rating schemes have tried to steer people away from filing bankruptcy. Many of these schemes are expensive and they do not work as well as bankruptcy. I will be happy to explain the differences to you over the phone or in person. For a few people, bankruptcy may not be the best way forward. However, most people are better off filing for bankruptcy relief.
When you call me, we can also discuss the other big myth about bankruptcy: future credit – purchasing a home, financing a vehicle, or obtaining a credit card. Generally speaking, the mortgage industry will lend money two years outside of bankruptcy — assuming that the purchaser qualifies. In other words, the purchaser has an income to make mortgage payments and the purchaser has enough of a down payment to purchase a home. Again, this is a general observation and I would be happy to speak with you about your particular circumstances. Likewise, many lenders will work out agreements with you to finance a vehicle while in bankruptcy. They do this because the post-bankruptcy vehicle loan is not part of the bankruptcy and the borrower will (most likely) be required to repay the entire loan (even if the car is repossessed). Call me and we can discuss the details of your predicament.
As a bankruptcy attorney I have entered my appearance in hundreds of cases. I have also interviewed thousands of people who need financial assistance. Generally speaking, reading about bankruptcy on the internet is confusing and frustrating. And, I don’t recommend it. In part, it’s confusing because bankruptcy is highly specific to your individual circumstances and it is a combination of local, state, and federal law. Christman & Fascetta has offices to serve you in Bel Air, Towson, Waldorf, and Easton. Please give us a call.
A very common question I get from someone during my first conversation is about fees. Typically the question goes something like this: what do you charge for a (and then fill in the blank). At that point in the conversation, I jokingly try to explain that bankruptcy not like ordering fast food. In addition, a bankruptcy attorney can also help you put money back into your bank account.
Bankruptcy fees depend upon the type of bankruptcy being filed. There is a different fee structure for a chapter 7 versus a chapter 13. In addition, my fees depend upon the amount of work involved. In order to give you an accurate answer regarding fees, I will need to ask you a few questions. Please be patient. You will have a reasonable estimate of the costs and fees at the end of my telephone consultation. Keep in mind that the telephone consultation is free.
As a general overview, I will try to explain the difference between a chapter 7 and a chapter 13. In a Chapter 7 case, debts are not repaid by the debtor. This type of bankruptcy case is also known as a “liquidation”. Again, debts are not repaid over time by the debtor. (However, assets may be sold off to satisfy your debts.). This type of bankruptcy can only be filed once every eight years. Again, I’m only speaking in general terms because other facts may determine when a person can file a Chapter 7. But generally speaking the answer is once every eight years.
A Chapter 13 case is the type of bankruptcy in which a person repays his or her creditors. A repayment plan may be used to catch up on mortgage payments and tax debt. A repayment plan is a very powerful tool when used to reduce and satisfy IRS obligations. A repayment plan can also be used to catch up on vehicle payments. Again these are general explanations and your case is unique. Please try to avoid the common mistake of comparing your case to another case. Most likely, the facts are different. (The income is different. The expenses are different. The debt is different. The goals are aren’t the same.) And, the outcome will be different.
(Some people are attempting to get rid of their debts in Chapter 7 while negotiating a mortgage modification outside of bankruptcy to catch up on missed mortgage payments. This type of option should be discussed in person with an attorney and the subject matter doesn’t lend itself to casual reading on a webpage.)
To make the most out of our initial telephone conversation, please gather up some vital information in advance. I will need to know all sources of income in your household and all of your household expenses. (I don’t need exact numbers – just a general overview of your income and expenses.) I also need to the value of things you intend to keep. (Such as your home, car, and anything worth more than $1000.)